Thursday, April 29, 2010

Final Presentations 4/29/2010

There is a notable correlation between the learning principles of video games.
Argument-the learning principles of video games are enhanced in online environments, and this enhancement may account for an increase the number on online gaming community members.
Argument development-Principles of Gaming. Statistical information. Opposition would come from common misconceptions.
Distinction between learner and master is vague because one is always learning. This will tie into games because they are always getting better, or more complicated.
Affinity Group Principle-a group of people who teach each other through shared goals, practices, etc. Xbox live-Stats show more and more people are joining.
Opposition-Common misconceptions including civic involvement, video games are addicting, correlation vs. causation.
Conclusion: Connect virtual communities, effects of VC on Meatspace, Cyberculture.

Onlilne there are a lot more ways to commit a crime against something.
Most real crimes translate over to cyber crimes but at a faster rate. There are various ways things can get stolen in real life, but many more ways in the virtual realm. "Phishing sites" can steal ur info. basically people need to be waaay more careful about what they do online, and need to establish firewalls and other security to prevent crimes. Cybercrimes often take more time and money to solve, they are easier to commit than real life crimes. It dosen't matter how old, young, race, sex you are if anyone wants to take your stuff they have the resources to do so. While you enter your stuff online and save it, if your laptop is stolen someone could access that info and you would be screwed. You may have this covered already, but in your report be sure to talk about what options people have available to them to protect themselves against cyber crime.

YouTube's unique role.
Thesis: YouTube has revolutionized political activism and, in doing so, it has uniquely contributed to the perpetuation of hate, however inadvertenly.
YouTube has changed the realm of political activism, taking it from the streets to the internet, giving everyone access to what they have to say. Specific examples-racism against Obama. You can find anything on YouTube, and is a form of political activism whether good or bad. Hateful opinions put on YouTube are not solving anything, but if they diminish the hatered portrayed in the messages people will netter understand each other? It would be good to talk about what YouTube is regulating in reguard to videos posted.

Argument-in order to bridge the digital divide, students need to become actively involved in learning how to use new technologies, which can be accomplished by applying the concepts of situations. Learning though games is a great self-esteem builder. Lego League-shows applications of using math and science while heaving fun by building leg robots. Kids who enjoy these programs will more likely go onto college.
When I built SUMO-robots in high school it was the most exciting thing I did in the classroom, which inspired me to get a degree in electrical engineering. This hands on learning is amazing stuff, and definently should be promoted to young kids.

Thesis-mobile technology, primarily cell phones is affecting Digital Divide in a positive way. The phone has become a viable form of mobile technology. Accessibility is a key part, if they are only exposed to crap then its not going to be very useful. During disasters people were able to network missing ppl and disasters online and was more efficient than actual phone calls. Can use the phone as a learning tool while connected to internet. Can access their e-mails, communicate their teachers and such while on the go. People don't need a computer anymore. But just because people have access, dosen't mean the divide is bridged due to restrictions like China. being able to access news on teh go is amazing.

Proposes HOPE plan to help kids learn. I thought this was a very interesting plan that definently would benefit the youth. They do need to be taught the risks that are involved with posting their personal information online and how perpetrators are out there. This is something I have never understood, why someone would post so much information about themselves online for everyone else to see. Also you brought up a very good point that I have always thought about, you can post things online using sites such as facebook whether it be ranting or pics that you normally wouldn't do in front of everyone that can see you. Very good topic and very good points!

Online communities, using avatars in virtual space, how they effect us in real life.
We are more likely to give away our positions and personal information over the phone in order to recieve deals such as half off a pitcher of beer. A point that you emphansized that I have thought a lot about, is one is more able to say things in a text or post that they wouldn't normally say face-to-face. This is a cultural shift! People are doing more and more transactions online.
What we say face-to-face also depends on who we are with, friends or family. But online it's almost 1:1, hardly any outside influences, people just speak exactly whats on their mind.

Argument-cyberspace gives underrepersented groups more choices about representation that are not acailable through traditional media.
Some examples of under represented groups: Women, Minorities, GLBT. Focus:Ethnnicity and Gender. Movies have been changed, placing a white person in a latino's place for example in hopes the movie would sell better. A majority of computer scientists and engineers are white males. Cybersoace has the potential to allow underrepresented groups to create spaces that are not governed by the same issues as traditional media.

The Advantage of Smart Phones
Argument: I am going to argue that cell phones and internet-ready smart phones are narrowing the access portion of the digital...
mobile phones subscribers triples from 2003-2008. Even though the few who dont have internet acces right now, they are almost always within ear shot of someone who does. Opposition-we are already too dependent on the internet...we wuld go into chaos if we lost it. Developing countries are starting to catch up. Will be focusing more on hybrid spaces, they are everywhere!

Internet activism is a necessary tool for physical activism in the real world.
use of communication technologies: Email, world wide web, podcasts. Internet activism, an example website would be 1999-"Battle of Seattle" internet activism brought 50,000 plus protesters together. Obama used internet for his campain. Internet activism allows for multiple groups to speak their thoughts, raise money for disasters, there are no limits to what you can do on the internet.

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