Friday, February 26, 2010


The creator of Lara Croft (Toby Gard), did not create her to become an iconic figure for males to use as a cross-dressing avatar, but simply because "It was a cutting edge idea at the time in terms of the game..." -Toby Gard. The team that made Lara visually possible insisted on "sexing her up" which I can only assume they thought, well if we are going to be playing with a woman, we might as well make her sexually appealing! But as far as any of them having inner motives to satisfy their cross-dressing desires, we will never know.

Anne-Marie Schleiner brings up the possibility of (some) males playing Tomb Raider to somewhat fulfill their inner desires of being a cross-dresser. Schleiner isn't the only one with this proposition, acknowledging she quotes Clover as he describes the idea that the only person to survive in the movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is girl with a sexy body. Clover thinks that she could resemble a female avatar for any male with inner desires to participate in cross-dressing. Quoting Turkle, we may find that males seek female avatars in gaming or online and experiment with them more so than in real life if ever in real life because there far less or no concequences when doing it in the privacy in your own home. Stone takes Turkle a step further by stating characters like Croft, or any other female character played by a male is not just a character created by someone else but literally an extension of the player himself, which could replicate one of his many different personalities or inner desires. In the end though, a single player character does not provide as much feed back to the players inner emotions as a chat room or even real life cross-dressing. Unfortunetly for Schleiner none of the males who participated in her survey addmitted to a cross-dresser relationship between themelves and Croft, not helping her hopes that cross-dressers will show up more frequently and openly in the public.

*Just a personal question I have, do women resent what has been done to Lara Croft over the years? As far as the nude patch goes, I can understand that, but when I read women's writings about Lara I get a sense of despise like when Rehak goes into detail about Lara's figure-oversized breasts and her inhumanly small waist, like she was defending all women. Which I understand, I'm just curious what other women think.


  1. When Rehnak gave details about Lara Croft's body it made me think of Barbie and how if she were human how she would be out of proportion too...just a thought.

    I have never played this game (yeah, I've seen some screen shots, and watched a few friends play), and if I did I would not use the nude patch. I would probably be distracted by her naked body and yelling at the screen and I would not really be playing the game.

    I'm wondering if game play for males is different when she has a nude patch vs. the original version?

    As I am not familiar with the actual game play, but I wonder if things like level achieved and points earned(?) are decreased while males play this game with the nude patch...

  2. I have evaluated your blog and comments (where applicable). My comments on this week's assignment can be found at:
