Thursday, April 22, 2010

Presentations3 4/22/2010

Argument: CYberspace has given online communities of environmentally concerned citizens the ability to become more aware of current environmental issues and enhanced their ability to help the environment and as a result cyberspace and online communities are two of the most important tools in saving the environment.
Love canal incident, 21,000 tons of waste was burried and this is an example of things we need to be more aware of. Now a days hazardus waste is tracked on the internet. Now people can see where it is and has been. People don't have to rely on the main newspapers. Online communities are important to the future, since online communities are cheap to create and sustain. Internet is a great way for environmental protests.
Narrow your research, focus on different topics and you will be good to go!

Present yourself differently in cyberspace
Argument: Many people use onlin communities to represent themselves, but there are many people who use sites such as facebook and portray a different side of themselves. Finds how some people who use sites such as facebook and portray a different side of themselves. Finds how some poeple worry about what their "friends" on facebook see or thing. As facebook is a way to be yourself, jobs are starting to use facebook as a way to connect to people, so then if those guys really want their jobs they have to moderate their page, to make a more professional impression so possible emplyers dont the the wrong impression.
To me, it seems like there are a lot of people that we interact with occasionally always have a shield up, limiting themselves to you. Whereas on facebook, people really open up and post pics of themselves doing things that they feel really expresses themselves.

Argument-social networking sites, specifically WoogiWorld and A Really Different Place, should be used by teachers and students in a classroom to enhanve the learning of different content areas. not only do these sites enhance the learning but they also draw in the students who aren't engaged in classroom learning.
WoogieWorld is similar to club penguin, teachers give concent for student to get on it. Benefits- more engaging to more students, students can add to the content, blogs can help develop students writing, be managed by teachers. Students at a younger age are taught by each other and by the teacher. Students can interact in school and at home.

Almost everyone uses social media, and legal issues surrouding privacy protection and coyrighting are an escalating problem. Argument-it is hard to protect yourself.
Communications Act, Section 230. Facebook and other social networking acts are not responsible for what people post. This is good for people to realize who hold the hosts responsible, because the hosts are simply there to provide the online community.
Examples-ppl get bullied online which pushes them over the edge of commiting suicide.
Focus-what can the hosts do to help regulate privacy for its useful users.
Just like Julie said, when people join these social networking sites, THEY ARE ON THEIR OWN.

User friendly interfaces are designs of computers are helping create a seamless transition from the real to the virtual through their simplicity, interavtivity, and relativity to the real....
HCI is concerned with human to computer interaction. They want to make it more user friendly. Our relationship with computers-some are humanizing their computers, somewhat getting emotionally etatched. This is starting to allow the virtual space to be more like real space.
This is done by programs such as Madodate, which makes things look 3D, aka more realistic. People are drawn to virtual spaces becuase it is cheaper for companies to meet online than fly accross the globe. There is a lot of information here, I see where your argument is which is a good one, but make sure you do not make too many predictions but give evidence on why its moving that way, which you have, and maybe its cause I was writing but i didnt get a clear idea of who was opposing your argument....

Mobile location based marketing.
Not to sound mean, just trying to help, try not to talk so fast while you are up there...its hard to make sense enough of what you are reading to write it down.
So at first people didn't want to give up their location, and some still don't. But with this new technology people are more willing to give it up.
The exact thing I have always wondered which you brought up, why would you tell everyone you are away from home aka everyone knows ur house is unattended so someone culd rob u....
There are many advantages to users and businesses.
Argument-the rise of social networking sites has led people to change the way they think about privacy...

Focusing on World of War Craft. Largest and most successful online game ever.
Argument-blizzard's changes to WOW to make the game appeal to more ppl have both fractured the community within the game as well as pushed the learning curve...
Communities-less experienced players will be taught by more experienced players how to do things. Blizzard made it easier to go through the game without needing a group to get through places, thus breaking down communities and social interaction. Basically Blizzard took a huge step backwards in challenging engagements between the enemy.

even if everyone is online, there will still be a divide, just a little different.
a good point, there are many online communities that people can join, but they donot intermingle with eachother, let alone most chat sites are there for specific interests and would not mesh with other sites.

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